Current Chairpersons
- Administrative Council - George Zsamba
- Board of Trustees - Glenn Borsuk
- Staff Parish Relations Committee - Eric Micheals
- Finance Committee - Glenn Johnson
- Nominations - Pastor Ron Sager
- Worship Committee - Pastor Ron Sager
Lay Servants
- George Zsamba, Certified Lay Servant
What Does a Chairperson Do?
- Open the meeting in Prayer.
- Set the agenda and run the meeting.
- Call the office 1 week in advance of canceling a meeting or with bulletin information.
- Follow up on the progress of the committee's work.
- Report to the Administrative Council.
- Submit newsletter articles by 15th of the month when needed.
- Be a shepherd to the members of the committee.
- Keep the pastor informed of issues, problems, or concerns.
Administrative Council
The administrative council functions on behalf of the Charge/Church Conference throughout the year. All Chairpersons, Lay Servants, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Lay representative to Annual Conference, along with members at large serve on the Administrative Council. The administrative council is the administrative body of the church and work to ensure that all committees are functioning and accountable in their ministries. Their role is to lead the congregation in long-range planning and facilitate ministries that meet the mission and vision of the church. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month excluding July and August.
Board of Trustees
Trustees are made up of no fewer than three and no more than nine persons. A trustee is elected for a three year term, must be legal age, and two thirds of the trustees must be members of the United Methodist Church. The primary task is to supervise and maintain all property belonging to the congregation so that the ministries of the church can be effective. Trustees are responsible for the maintenance of church owned property, church owned equipment, and all church owned land and cemeteries. They are also caretakers of the contents of the safe deposit box, legal documents, and deeds. Trustees serve as the legal body to approve contracts, purchase or sale of property, along with the “use of building” regulations for outside groups. Trustees also administer all trusts, bequests, and endowments, and are informed of how and where church funds.
Staff Parish Relations Committee
This committee is made up of no fewer than five and no more than nine persons who serve for a three year term. The committee is required to meet at least once a quarter (four times annually), or may be called together additionally by the Bishop, District Superintendent, Pastor, or Chair Person of the committee. The committee may not meet without the Pastor's knowledge. Their primary task is to support the pastors and staff so that they can work effectively in managing the ministry of the congregation for witness and service. It has both leadership and management functions in the congregation.
Finance Committee
The finance committee is to be made up of a Chairperson, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, and elected persons from the Church Charge Conference. The PPR Chairperson, Administrative Council Chairperson, Lay representative to Annual Conference, and a representative from Trustees may also sit on this committee. The committee is responsible for the creating and submitting of a yearly church budget. This should be done in consultation with the financial asking of all committees or programs. The budget is to be sent to the Charge Conference for review and/or approval. The committee is also responsible for implementing plans on how to raise funds to meet the budget or other capital funds programs. The committee is responsible on how offerings are counted and recorded, along with which institutions and accounts these funds are to be deposited. The committee is to do a yearly audit of all Church checking and savings accounts, as well as invested funds.
Nominations Committee
Nominations is made up of nine person elected by the Charge Conference with the Pastor as the chairperson. Each member is elected for a three year term. The primary task is to ensure that the congregation has a process for discovering, inviting, nominating and supporting people for Christian leadership position essential to the ministries of nurture and outreach in your local congregation and community. The committee will work to help persons discover their gifts and ways to be in mission and ministry; train new, existing, and potential leadership; support those who have been elected in their roles; and discern new mission or ministry opportunities.
Worship Committee
The worship committee is to be made up of persons elected by Charge Conference along with the Lay Servants, Lay Member to Annual Conference, and a representative of the music ministry. The committee is to oversee ushers, communion, greeters, flowers, and the decorating of the Sanctuary. Along with the Pastor, they will work on the style of worship, needs in worship (hearing, visual, etc.) and any additional services beyond Sunday morning.
Missions Committee
The missions committee is made up of those persons elected by Charge Conference. The committee is responsible for teaching, developing, and implementing ways in which the congregation can be involved in this ministry. The committee informs the congregation of mission projects in the Annual Conference, missionaries serving from the congregation and short or long term mission opportunities.
This committee should regularly correspond with those missionaries from the congregation or those with who are supported by the congregation.
Properties Committee
The property committee is an extension of the Board of Trustees. The property committee is responsible for the annual spring and fall clean up which entails the cleaning of the inside of the church building and also taking care of the cleaning up of the property.