You may also mail your offering to the church:
21 North Main Street, Cranbury, NJ 08512
Pastor Ron is always here for you.
Don't hesitate to contact him anytime call/text/email...
Cell: Phone 609-668-3689
In-Person Worship
Sunday at 10:00 am
Cranbury UMC Sanctuary,
or call for audio worship: 205-825-9285
Refreshments in the Fellowship Hall after Worship.

Palm Sunday, Sunday, April 13th
Join us for breakfast and Worship Service in our fellowship hall. Breakfast begins at 9:30 am. Thank you Men's Club for sponsoring this.
Good Friday, April 18th
The Service begins at 7 pm. Join Darlene Line in our fellowship hall as she gives a presentation on "The Messiah in the Passover." A free-will offering will be taken.
Easter Sunday, April 20th
Join us as we celebrate the resurrection of Christ at 10:00 am!

Join us each 1st Sunday of each month.
Worship with us this Sunday at 10:00 am
In-person in the sanctuary or by phone: 205-825-9285
CLICK HERE for this Sunday's Scripture.
Join us after the service for Coffee Hour in the fellowship hall.

Diaper Drive at The United Methodist Church of Cranbury
Help us share the love and support our community! The Diaper Drive is back, and we need your help to make a difference.
Event Dates:
March 9th - April 20th
Donation Location:
Makers's Place (Collection Box in the Fellowship Hall)
We're collecting all sizes of diapers, but we are especially in need of larger sizes 5-7. Let's work together to ensure every child has what they need!
Drop off your donations at the Fellowship Hall - your generosity makes all the difference!
Every diaper counts!

A Look at Bible Prophecy - The 70 Weeks of Daniel
"Is the World Falling Apart or Falling into Place?"
Join us for a thought-provoking Bible study as we explore the 70 Weeks of Daniel and what it reveals about God's plan for the world.
When: Starting March 16th
Where: In-Person / On Zoom / By Phone
Join Online: CLICK HERE
Already have Zoom? Use Meeting ID: 842 0939 7915
Call in & Listen: Dial 929-205-6099, then enter Meeting ID: 842 0939 7915
Come deepen your faith and understanding—everyone is welcome!

Join Us for Good Coffee. Great Desserts. Incredible Music!
Friday, April 4
Doors Open at 6:30 PM
21 N. Main St, Cranbury, NJ
Special Guest: ORACLE
Faith-Based Rock & Ballads to Encourage, Comfort & Inspire
"Higher Call" Album Release Party!
FREE Admission | Donations Appreciated
Come enjoy an unforgettable night of music, fellowship, and community at Holy Grounds Coffee House. Grab a cup of coffee, savor delicious desserts, and be uplifted by the powerful sound of Oracle!
RSVP & More Info:
See you there!

A Family-Friendly Christian Music Festival
Village Park, Cranbury, NJ
Saturday, June 7 | 12 PM - 5 PM
What's Happening?
- Live Music - 5 Incredible Bands!
- Inspiring Guest Speakers
- Fun & Games for Kids
- Food Trucks & Local Vendors
- Prayer Walk & Tent
- Local Churches & Charities
Feel the Power of Praise! Gather with family and friends for a day of uplifting music, community, and worship.
FREE Tickets - Get yours now!
38A Maplewood Ave, Cranbury, NJ 08512
Register at
Come and be blessed! See you there!

Join us for an exciting evening of Movies, Music, and More!
Stay updated on upcoming events featuring faith-based films and concerts happening in our community.
Visit First Friday's Facebook to Check Us Out!
(Facebook opens in a new window)